Attention les jeunes : Circule en ce moment un avatar de l’histoire du trésor camerounais, sous la forme d’un trésor irakien.
Les éléments usuels y sont :
- Un trésor énorme à partager
- La mauvaise qualité de la langue (« no one know …»)
- Une confidentialité requise,
- Des informations personnelles qui serviront à piquer le seul fric réel dans cette histoire : le vôtre …
Ne répondez évidemment jamais à ce genre de message, et de manière générale, ne communiquez jamais d’information personnelle à une personne inconnue.
My Name is Captain Edward Ballanco serving in the military with the army 3rd infantry division in Iraq. You may be very surprised how I got your email address and why I choose to contact you out of the one million people out there. I got your contact through an address journal and summoned courage to contact you regarding this confidential matter. Look at this link before I proceed:
This happened in 2003 during a rescue operation in one of Saddam Hussein's old palace here in Iraq. We discovered this treasure and agreed not to declare the exact amount, that was why we said it was over $650MUSD(NO SPECIFIC AMOUNT) Each one of us took two cases worth $8MUSD.
With the help of a top American diplomat who works under the United Nation, I was able to move this two cases to a security company in London since he has a first class diplomatic immunity coverage which I declared the content of the cases as personal belongings to an officer who died when his UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter crashed in central Iraq. No one know the content of this cases Both the security company and the diplomat till this moment, pls you have to keep this very confidential as my job and reputation is at stake. This is risk free as it is out of war zone and it has stayed for 6years without any interrogations.
I want you to receive this two cases as the relative to the officer who died in the car bomb, As soon as you receive this two cases, One will automatically become yours while you safeguard one for me if actually I will come home alive because a lot of people die here on daily bases, You know the America government will not declare the exact figure of those that has passed away in this operation, look at this link:
Pls always remember me in your daily prayers. I need you to provide me with the following details:
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