jeudi 3 mai 2018

On rase gratis

Je suis d'accord avec ce brulôt, que l'on peut lire aussi à la source :  Il faut raser les Ecoles de Commerce.

Les véritables significations de l'acronyme MBA y sont savoureuses :
“Mediocre But Arrogant”, “Management by Accident”, “More Bad Advice”, “Master Bullshit Artist”

L'idéologie du capitalisme y a été érigée en science :
"Within the business school, capitalism is assumed to be the end of history, an economic model that has trumped all the others, and is now taught as science, rather than ideology."

Tous ceux qui ont usé leur fonds de culotte sur leurs bancs, reconnaitront ce passage :
"For the most part, business schools all assume a similar form. The architecture is generic modern – glass, panel, brick. Outside, there’s some expensive signage offering an inoffensive logo, probably in blue, probably with a square on it.
The door opens, automatically.
Inside, there’s a female receptionist dressed office-smart. Some abstract art hangs on the walls, and perhaps a banner or two with some hopeful assertions: “We mean business.” “Teaching and Research for Impact.”
A big screen will hang somewhere over the lobby, running a Bloomberg news ticker and advertising visiting speakers and talks about preparing your CV.
Shiny marketing leaflets sit in dispensing racks, with images of a diverse tableau of open-faced students on the cover."